【新品即納】[PS4]F1® 2020 F1® Seventy Edition(セブンティーエディション) 通常版(20200924)



商品コード 10442022000



■タイトル:F1® 2020 F1® Seventy Edition(セブンティーエディション) 通常版
■メーカー:Game Source Entertainment
■対象年齢:CERO A 全年齢対象

Let's Race Together!

■F1 2020はこれまでにないほどF1を網羅したゲームで、世界のトップドライバーたちとの臨場感あふれるレース体験を提供します。



■F1 2020にはすべての公式チーム、ドライバー、そして2つの新サーキット、ハノイサーキットとザンドヴォールトサーキットを含む22のサーキットが登場します。


■権利表記:F1®2020 Game - an official product of the FIA Formula One World Championship. ©2020 The Codemasters Software Company Limited ( Codemasters ). All rights reserved. Codemasters』® 『EGO』® and the Codemasters logo are registered trade marks owned by Codemasters. 『RaceNet』™ is a trade mark of Codemasters. Uses Bink Video. Copyright ©1997-2020 by RAD Game Tools Inc. All rights reserved. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trade marks of Dolby Laboratories. DTS DTS-HD the Symbol & DTS and the Symbol together are registered trademarks of DTS Inc.
The F1 FORMULA 1 logo F1 logo FORMULA 1 F1 FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX and related marks are trade marks of Formula One Licensing BV a Formula 1 company. ©2020 Cover images Formula One World Championship Limited a Formula 1 company. Licensed by Formula One World Championship Limited. The F2 FIA FORMULA 2 CHAMPIONSHIP logo FIA FORMULA 2 CHAMPIONSHIP FIA FORMULA 2 FORMULA 2 F2 and related marks are trade marks of the Federation Internationale de L'Automobile and used exclusively under licence. All rights reserved. The FIA and FIA AfRS logos are trade marks of Federation Internationale de l'Automobile. All rights reserved.
All other copyrights or trade marks are the property of their respective owners and are being used under license. Online features may be terminated after 30 days notice on www.codemasters.com. Developed and published by Codemasters. Disc version published and distributed by Game Source Entertainment in Japan.

