■タイトル:F1 2001(エフワン2001)
■権利表記:Formula One Formula 1 F1 and FIA Formula One World Championship together with their foreign translations and permutations are trademarks of the Formula One group of c ompanies. An offic ial produc t of the FIA Formula One World Championship lic ensed by Formula One Administration Limited. Elec tronic Arts the Elec tronic Arts logo EA SPORTS and the EA SPORTS logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Elec tronic Arts in the US and/or other © ountries. All other trademarks are the property of their respec tive owners. EA SPORTS is an Elec tronic Arts Inc . brand.
■タイトル:F1 2001(エフワン2001)
■権利表記:Formula One Formula 1 F1 and FIA Formula One World Championship together with their foreign translations and permutations are trademarks of the Formula One group of c ompanies. An offic ial produc t of the FIA Formula One World Championship lic ensed by Formula One Administration Limited. Elec tronic Arts the Elec tronic Arts logo EA SPORTS and the EA SPORTS logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Elec tronic Arts in the US and/or other © ountries. All other trademarks are the property of their respec tive owners. EA SPORTS is an Elec tronic Arts Inc . brand.